Publications at CSUN
% CSUN undergraduate students
+ CSUN graduate students
# SRNL bachelor level scientist or intern
@ SRNL post-doctoral researchers
% CSUN undergraduate students
+ CSUN graduate students
# SRNL bachelor level scientist or intern
@ SRNL post-doctoral researchers
Since Joining CSUN in 2017:

42. “Nanoconfinement of High Hydrogen-to-Metal Ratio Lanthanum Hydrides in Functionalized Carbon Hosts ” M. Shivanna, T.A. Elmslie, C.D. Spataru, S. Duwal, N.
Porcellino,+ S. Mouzaya,% C.P. Pakhanyan,% F. El Gabaly, S. Kawaguchi-Imada, J. Guo, Z. Zhuo, M-J. Kim, B.T. Sturtevant, J.A. Teprovich Jr, M.D. Allendorf, P.A. Sharma, V. Stavila, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2025, 8, 7-15.
(Artwork featured on the cover of the issue)
Porcellino,+ S. Mouzaya,% C.P. Pakhanyan,% F. El Gabaly, S. Kawaguchi-Imada, J. Guo, Z. Zhuo, M-J. Kim, B.T. Sturtevant, J.A. Teprovich Jr, M.D. Allendorf, P.A. Sharma, V. Stavila, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2025, 8, 7-15.
(Artwork featured on the cover of the issue)

41. "Solvation environment and interface dynamics of Li2B12H12 and Li2B12F12 electrolytes uncovered by theory and operando optical and FTIR spectroelectrochemistry" H. Simonyan,% L. Zhong, M. Green,+ K. Movsesyan,+ A. Fraire,% P.A. Ward, K.C Lau,* J.A. Teprovich Jr.* ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 70028-70037.

40. “Pressure dependent phase behavior of chemically synthesized ytterbium hydride nanoparticles and confinement in CMK-3” N. Porcellino,+ C. Pakhanyan,% T. Elmslie, M. Shivanna, S. Duwal, C.D. Spataru, R. Lindvall,% M. Somayazulu, P.A. Ward, S.I. Kawaguchi, V. Stavila, P.A. Sharma,* and J.A. Teprovich Jr,* ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2024, 7, 9608-9615

39. “Synthesis and Characterization of Amorphous Lawsone Polymer Dots for Fluorescent Applications” J. Hernandez,+ A. Robb, S. Servera,% N. Bedrosian,% O. Gomez,+ Z. Duca, M.B. Thomas, D. Tamae, P.L. Fischhaber, S.J. Garrett, P.A. Ward,* J.A. Teprovich Jr,* ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6, 20639-20651.
38. “Closo-borate gel polymer electrolytes with remarkable electrochemical stability and a wide operating temperature window” M. Green,+ K. Kaydanik,+ M. Orozco,% L. Hanna, M. Marple, A. Fessler, W.B. Jones, V. Stavila, P.A. Ward,* J.A. Teprovich Jr.* Advanced Science, 2022, 9, 2106032. |

37. “Spectroscopic Investigation of the Electronic and Excited State Properties of Para-Substituted Tetraphenyl Porphyrins and Their Electrochemically Generated Ions” L. Hanna, E. Movsesian,% M. Orozco,% A. Bernot,+ M. Asadinamin, L. Shenje, S. Ullrich, Y. Zhao, N. Marshall, J. Weeks, M. Thomas, J.A. Teprovich Jr.,* P. Ward* Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2022, 78, 121300.

36. “Influence of Solvent System on the Electrochemical Properties of a closo-borate Electrolyte Salt” M. Green,+ H. Simonyan,% K. Kaydanik,+ J.A. Teprovich, Jr. * Applied Science, 2022, 12, 2273.

35. “Synergistic effect of nanoionic destabilization and partial dehydrogenation for enhanced ionic conductivity in MBH 4 -C 60 (M = Li + , Na + ) nanocomposites” J. Santos,% P. Simon,% A. Bernot,+ C. Babasi,% S. Hwang, P.A. Ward, R. Zidan, J.A. Teprovich Jr.* J. Solid State Electrochem. 2021, 25, 1440-1452

34. “Time-Resolved Shadowgraph Photography of Laser-Heated Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles in Water” D. Stavich,+ B. Nestoiter,+ D. Gonzalez,+ A. Freund,+ X. Buelna, K. Wang, J.A. Teprovich, Jr., J. Eloranta, J. Phys Chem C, 2020, 124, 14022-14029.

33. “Hydrogenated C 60 as high-capacity stable anode materials for Li-ion batteries”, J.A. Teprovich Jr.,* J.A. Weeks,# P.A. Ward, S.C. Tinkey,# C. Huang, J. Zhou, R. Zidan, P. Jena, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 6453-6460

32. “Electrochemical extraction of hydrogen isotopes from Li/LiT mixtures”, J.A. Teprovich Jr., H.R. Colon Mercado, L. Olson, P. Ganesan, D. Babineau, B. L. Garcia-Diaz, Fusion Eng. Des., 2019, 139, 1-6.

31. “Stability and Phase Formation in the (Li/Na) 6 C 60 –H Systems Studied by Neutron Scattering” S. Sartori, M.N. Guzik, K.D. Knudsen, M.H. Sørby, J.A. Teprovich, Jr., R. Zidan, B.C. Hauback, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122, 18346-18355.

30. “High temperature thermal energy storage in the CaAl 2 system” P.A. Ward, J.A. Teprovich Jr, Y. Liu, J. He, R. Zidan, J. Alloys Compd. 2018, 735, 2611-2615.

29. “Investigation of the Reversible Lithiation of an Oxide Free Aluminum Anode by a LiBH4 Solid State Electrolyte” J.A. Weeks,# S.C. Tinkey,# P.A. Ward, R. Lascola, R. Zidan, J.A. Teprovich,* Inorganics, 2017, 5, 83.
Prior to joining CSUN (Savannah River National Lab and Lehigh University)

28. “Fine-tuning the fluorescent properties of Li and Na intercalated C 60 with hydrogen” J. A. Teprovich Jr.,* J.A. Weeks,# P.A. Ward, A. L. Washington II, R. Zidan, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42, 22511-22517. here to edit.

27. “Investigation of Hydrogen Induced Fluorescence in C 60 and its Potential use in Luminescent Down Shifting Applications” J.A. Teprovich Jr,* A.L. Washington II, J. Dixon, P.A.,% Ward, J.H. Christian, B. Peters,# J. Zhou, S. Giri, D.N. Sharp, P. Jena, R. Zidan, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 18760-18770.

26. “Developing Radiation Tolerant Polymer Nanocomposites Using C 60 as an Additive” J.H. Christian,@ J.A. Teprovich Jr., J. Wilson, J.C. Nicholson, T. Truong, M.R. Kesterson, I. Wiedenhöver, L.T. Baby, M. Anastasiou, N. Rijal, A.L. Washington II, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 40785-40792.

25. “Technical Challenges of Thermal Energy Storage Using Hydrides” P.A. Ward, @ C. Corgnale, J.A. Teprovich Jr., T. Motyka, B. Hardy, D. Sheppard, C. Buckley, R. Zidan Applied Physics A: Materials Science, 2016, 122, 462.

24. “Metal Hydrides for Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Energy Storage” D.A. Sheppard, M. Paskevicius, T.D. Humphries, M. Felderhoff, P.A. Ward, @ J.A. Teprovich Jr., C. Corgnale, R. Zidan, C.E. Buckley Applied Physics A: Materials Science, 2016, 122, 395.

23. “Bi-functional Li 2 B 12 H 12 for energy storage and conversion applications: solid-state electrolyte and luminescent down-conversion dye” J.A. Teprovich Jr,* H. Colon-Mercado, A.L. Washington II, P.A. Ward, @ H. Hartman, %S. Greenway, D.M. Missimer, J. Velten, @ J.H. Christian, @ R. Zidan J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 22853-22859.

22. “High Performance Metal Hydride Material Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Concentrating Solar Power Plants” P. Ward + , C. Corgnale, J.A. Teprovich Jr., T. Motyka, B. Hardy, B. Peters # , R. Zidan J. Alloys Compd., 2015, 645, S374-S378.

21. “Li-driven Electrochemical Conversion Reaction of AlH 3 , LiAlH 4 , and NaAlH 4 ” J.A. Teprovich Jr, J. Zhang, H. Colón-Mercado, F. Cuevas, B. Peters # , S. Greenway, M. Latroche, R. Zidan, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 4666-4674.

20. “Evaluation of the Physi- and Chemisorption of Hydrogen in Alkali (Na, Li) Doped Fullerenes” P. Ward + , J.A. Teprovich Jr., R.N. Compton, V. Schwartz, G. Vieth, R. Zidan Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40, 2710-2716.

19. “Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Fast Lithium Ion Conduction in a LiBH 4 -C 60 Nanocomposite” J.A. Teprovich Jr., H. Colon-Mercado, P. Ward + , B. Peters # , S. Greenway, S. Giri, J. Zhou, P. Jena, R. Zidan, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118, 21755-21761.
18. “Screening Analysis of Metal Hydride Based Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Concentration Solar Power
Plants” C. Corgnale, B. Hardy, T. Motyka, R. Zidan, J.A. Teprovich Jr., B. Peters # , Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, 2014, 38, 821-833.
17. “Reversible Hydrogen Storage in a LiBH 4 -C 60 Nanocomposite” P. Ward + , J.A. Teprovich Jr., B. Peters # , J.
Wheeler, R. Compton, R. Zidan, J. Phys Chem. C, 2013, 117, 22569-22575.
16. “Comparative Study of Reversible Hydrogen Storage in Alkali-Doped Fulleranes” J.A. Teprovich Jr., D.A.
Knight, B. Peters # , R. Zidan, J. Alloys Compd. 2013, 580, S364-S367.
15. “A Spectroscopic Investigation of Hydrogenated Li Doped Fullerane” A. Paolone, O. Palumbo, F. Leardini, R.
Cantelli, D.A. Knight, J.A. Teprovich Jr., R. Zidan, J. Alloys Compd. 2013, 580, S67-S69.
14. “Synthesis, Characterization, and Reversible Hydrogen Sorption Study of a Sodium-doped Fullerene” D.A.
Knight, J.A. Teprovich Jr., B. Peters # , A. Summers*, P. Ward + , R. Compton, R. Zidan, Nanotechnology, 2013,
24, 455601.
13. “Synthesis and Calorimetric, Spectroscopic, and Structural Characterization of Isocyanide Complexes of
Trialkylaluminum and Tri-tert-butylgallium” N.B. Kingsley, K. Kirschbaum, J.A. Teprovich Jr., R.A. Flowers
II, M.R. Mason. Inorg. Chem., 2012, 51, 2494-2502.
12. “Hydrogen System Using Novel Additives to Catalyze Hydrogen Release from the Hydrolysis of Alane and
Activated Aluminum” J.A. Teprovich Jr, T. Motyka, R. Zidan. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 1594-1603.
11. “Advances in the Electrochemical Regeneration of Aluminum Hydride” M.J. Martínez-Rodríguez, B.L. García-
Díaz, J.A. Teprovich, Jr, D.A. Knight, R. Zidan. Applied Physics A: Materials Science 2012, 106, 545-550.
10. “Relaxation Processes and Structural Changes in Li and Na Doped Fulleranes for Hydrogen Storage” A.
Paolone, F. Vico, F. Teocoli, S. Sanna, O. Palumbo, R. Cantelli, D. Knight, J.A. Teprovich Jr., R. Zidan. J.
Phys. Chem C, 2012, 116, 16365-16370.
9. “Synthesis and Characterization of a Lithium Doped Fullerane (Li x -C 60 -H y ) for Reversible Hydrogen Storage” J.A. Teprovich Jr., M. S. Wellons, R. Lascola, S. Hwang, P. Ward + , R. Compton, R. Zidan. Nano Letters, 2012, 12, 582-589.
8. “Catalytic Carbon Nanostructures and Novel Nanocomposites for Hydrogen Storage” A.C. Stowe, J.A.
Teprovich Jr., D.A. Knight, M.S. Wellons, R. Zidan. J. SC Acad. Science, 2011, 9, 13-19.
7. “Catalytic Effect of Fullerene and Formation of Nanocomposites with Complex Hydrides: NaAlH 4 and LiAlH 4 ”J.A. Teprovich Jr., D. Knight, M.S. Wellons, R. Zidan J. Alloys Compd., 2011, 509, S562-S566.
6. “NMR Study of LiBH 4 with C 60 ” D.T. Shane, R. Corey, L. Rayhel, M. Wellons, J.A. Teprovich Jr., R. Zidan, S.
Hwang, R. Bowman, Jr., M.S. Conradi. J. Phys. Chem. C., 2010, 114, 19862-79866.
5. “Dynamic Ligand Exchange in Reactions of Samarium Diiodide” D.V. Sadasivam, J.A. Teprovich Jr., D.
Proctor, R. A. Flowers, II. Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 4140-4143.
4. “Selective Monovalent Cation Association and Exchange around Keplerate Polyoxometalate Macroanions in
Dilute Aqueous Solutions” J. Pigga, J.A. Teprovich Jr., R.A. Flowers II, M. Antonio, T. Liu. Langmuir, 2010,
26, 9449-9456.
3. "Generation of Sm (II) Reductants Using High-Intensity Ultrasound"; J.A. Teprovich Jr., P.K.S. Antharjanam,
E.N. Pesciotta, E. Prasad, R.A. Flowers II. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2008, 32, 5015-5019. (Cover of this issue)
2. “Mechanistic Studies of Proton Donor Coordination to Samarium Diiodide"t; J.A. Teprovich Jr., M.N. Balili, T.
Pintauer, R.A. Flowers, II. Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 8160-8163. (This paper was designated as
a Very Important Paper (VIP), a designation given to less than 5% of accepted papers.)
1. "Solvation-Controlled Luminescence of Sm (II) Complexes"; J.A. Teprovich Jr., E. Prasad, R.A. Flowers, II.
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 1145-1148. (VIP Paper)
Full texts of the above publications are posted on profile.